
Rachael is the owner & founder of Journey Coffee & Books. Her love for books started at a young age, inspiring her to join countless bookclubs and to pursue a PhD in literature. Her passion for animal welfare is motivated by her vegan lifestyle which supports human and non-human causes. She is always ready for a book chat or to convince you to try a sweet beverage!

Favorite genre: Literary fiction / Political non-fiction

Favorite drink: Soy chai latte or a flavored energy drink

Everyone needs a Fabienne in their life! You’ll never find her in an all black outfit - her love of bold colors and fun prints matches her friendly and genuine personality. Whether milk frothing or book recommending, Fabienne always goes above & beyond.

Favorite book: Harry Potter series - she has it all in one!

Favorite drink: Large oat cappuccino



Jesca is the creative brains behind our logos and illustrations. Beyond graphic art, she is a talented dancer and curator of the perfect playlist for any hang out. She is always improving the design features of Journey and of her latte art!

Favorite genre: Fantasy / Literary fiction

Favorite drink: Soy caramel latte or an iced lavender lemonade


Tania is the glue; the community networker. Her talents can’t be put into a box - from her willingness to assist with anything from coffee training to small business collaborations, Journey is better thanks to her! Ella es la hispanófona de Journey.

Favorite book: Stoner by John Williams

Favorite drink: Cappuccino or matcha latte


Karim est le francophone de Journey! He is the support system. He takes it as a personal responsibility to make sure the Citroen has up-to-date tech and equipment. You can often find him behind the wheel!

Favorite genre: Personal development

Favorite drink: Doppio or oat flat white